About Gayla

I am so happy you found your way to Creating Refuge, welcome! 

I’m Gayla Miller, the founder of Creating Refuge. I’ve been part of building many things over the years. A family, small businesses, houses, organizations, and gatherings. However, years ago I felt called to build a place of refuge in my home, not just for me, but for my family and community. Like so many of my “builds,” I knew I’d need to rely on experts to help me. With a group of dear friends, I began to pray that God would equip me to find rest for myself and others. 

It’s a scary thing to ask God to continue to grow you, because He certainly does. I’m comfortable around the coffee table, not in front of a camera, and I’ve found myself way outside my comfort zone bringing this ministry beyond the intimacy of my family room. However, something I am still learning is that peace is not dependent on comfort. We can experience rest even in the midst of life’s uncertainty and chaos.This is the starting point of Creating Refuge and I hope that you will join me on this journey. A journey to finding a greater rest than any spa or vacation could provide. I want to invite you to join me in creating a home of peace, a home of refuge.   

I’m here not to be an influencer, but to share with you the influence of God’s word and the refuge of his love. There is space for you at this table. Come sit with us.